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Photo by milan degraeve on Unsplash

Keywords: Great visual photographs, good photographs, composition, lighting, stunning images, flat, uninteresting. The difference between great visually compelling photographs and the good photographs you see all over the internet is the level of skill and artistry involved in taking the photograph. Great photographs are taken by photographers who have a keen eye for composition and lighting, and who know how to use their equipment to create stunning images. In contrast, good photographs are often taken by amateurs who simply point and shoot, without much thought for the composition or lighting of the image. As a result, good photographs can often look flat and uninteresting, while great visual photographs have a level of depth and detail that can take your breath away.

-Take Aways:

  • Great photographs have a level of depth and detail that can take your breath away.
  • Good photographs are taken by photographers who have a keen eye but mostly lack the proper use of composition and lighting.

How to compose a photograph for the best visual results

Keywords : photography, composition, lighting, natural light, artificial light, angles, perspectives.

There are a few things to keep in mind when composing a photograph for the best visual results. First, think about the overall composition of the image and what you want the viewer to see. Second, pay attention to the lighting, both natural and artificial, and how it can be used to create different effects. Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different angles and perspectives to find the best way to capture your subject. By keeping these things in mind, you'll be well on your way to taking stunning, visually compelling photographs.

-Take Aways:

  • By keeping a few simple things in mind, anyone can take better photographs
  • Composition and lighting are key to a good photograph

Photo by Regis-Hari Bouchard on Unsplash

How to light, or use natural light for best visual results

Keywords: natural light, artificial light, light, shadows, sun, direction, quality

When lighting a photograph, it is important to think about the overall effect you are trying to create. If you want a bright and airy image, use lots of natural light and avoid using flash. If you want a more moody and atmospheric image, use artificial light or shadows to create depth and interest. Pay attention to the direction of the light and how it falls on your subject matter. The angle of the light can completely change the feel of an image, so experiment until you find the perfect lighting for your shot.When relying only on natural light it is best to use the sun to your advantage. The sun should be in front of you and not behind you, because if the sun is behind you then your subject will be in shadow. If you are using artificial light, then you can control the direction and quality of the light much more easily. However, it is still important to think about the overall effect you are trying to create. Lighting is one of the most important aspects of photography, and it can be difficult to get right. However, by paying attention to the direction and quality of light, you can create stunning images no matter what type of light you are using.

-Take Aways:

  • Light can create bright and airy images
  • Paying attention to the direction and quality of light, you can create stunning images no matter what type of light you are using.

Lost in the Forest

I am a retired Brand Strategist, Visual Designer, Computer Programmer, Copywriter and Fine Art Painter. I have always had a passion for painting and discussion about all things that our society selectively wants to forget or has been forgotten.

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