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Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

We’ve all done things that we’re not proud of. But what if we conveniently forgot about them? Would that make us better people? According to some researchers, it might. A phenomenon known as “ethical amnesia” or “moral amnesia” occurs when people remember the good things they’ve done and forget the bad.

Moral amnesia is a cognitive bias that causes people to forget the bad things they’ve done and only remember the good.

This bias can lead people to make unethical decisions because they forget the negative consequences of their actions. Moral amnesia is a problem because it causes people to rationalize their unethical behavior. They forget the times when their actions had negative consequences and only remember the times when their actions had positive consequences. This can lead to a cycle of unethical behavior because people only remember the positive outcomes of their unethical actions.

This selective memory makes us think we are more virtuous than we actually are. And it can have harmful consequences. For example, people who think they are more moral than others are more likely to judge and condemn others.

They are also more likely to engage in unethical behavior, because they rationalize their actions. Ethical amnesia can also lead to a false sense of security. People who forget their past transgressions may be more likely to repeat them.

The good news is that we can overcome ethical amnesia by consciously reflecting on our past choices and taking responsibility for our actions.

This self-awareness can help us make better choices in the future. For example The journal would serve as a reminder of the things you’ve done that you’re not proud of. You’ll be able to look back on your journal entries and see how far you’ve come. The journal will also help you to see your progress. You’ll be able to look back and see how much you’ve grown as a person.

The journal will also help you to forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself is an important part of the healing process. By forgiving yourself, you’ll be able to move on from your mistakes. You’ll be able to focus on the present and the future.

The journal will also help you to be more mindful of your actions. You’ll be able to see the things that you’re doing that are harmful to yourself. A journal can help you in many different ways. It can help you to set goals, stay motivated, be more mindful, be more grateful, and be more present.

Lost in the Forest

I am a retired Brand Strategist, Visual Designer, Computer Programmer, Copywriter and Fine Art Painter. I have always had a passion for painting and discussion about all things that our society selectively wants to forget or has been forgotten.

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