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What Factors Influence the Way People Behave?

keywords: human behaviour psychology, behavioural psychology)

The human behaviour is a complex and interesting topic. The human behaviour can be influenced by many factors. We will explore the most important ones in this article. The most influential factor on human behaviour is the environment that people are in. For example, if you go to a party, your behaviour will be different than if you are at work or at school. Another very important factor that influences the way people behave is their upbringing and education. If you were raised to believe that it is okay to lie, then you will likely lie more often than someone who was raised with honesty as their core value. Lastly, there are some personality traits that influence how we behave - for example introverts versus extroverts or those who are impulsive versus those who plan ahead before they make decisions etc. The environment that people are in can have a big impact on their behaviour.

Death and Dying as a Challenge to Societal Norms

keywords: death customs, funeral customs)

Death and Dying as a Challenge to Societal Norms The culture of death is a topic that has long been ignored in Western society, with an emphasis on the body before death and avoidance of the subject of death. However, there are still many cultures around the world that have strong traditions for death rituals. Death is seen as an inevitable part of life, but it does not mean that it is not feared or avoided. Some people believe that when someone dies, they are simply moving on to another realm. This belief can be seen in cultures such as Hinduism and Buddhism. For these religions, there is no need for a funeral because the soul has already left the body. Other religions believe in an afterlife where those who have died will live on forever with God or Goddesses. In this case, funerals are important because they mark the passage from one world to another. There are also some cultures where funerals are done without any ceremony at all; these funerals are called "un-weddings." In some African cultures, for example, the family does not prepare for the funeral because they believe that there is no use of a body and it will rot in the ground.There are many different traditions that occur during funerals around the world. These include various rituals to help ease death's transition into that realm or to help return them to their family.

Conclusion - Changing Society with New Ideas

The past has shown us that new technologies have a profound impact on society. The introduction of the printing press in the 15th century, for example, had a major impact on society. It led to an increase in literacy rates, increased access to knowledge and helped people form opinions about public affairs. The internet is another example of a technology that has changed society. It has created a global community with instant access to information. For better or worse, social media has also changed the way we share our thoughts and opinions with each other and it is changing how we consume entertainment content as well. Whether it's AI writers or any other emerging technologies, they will continue to change our world in ways we cannot predict or understand today. From the impact of the printing press to that of AI, one thing is for sure; we will never be the same again.- A new technology that creates a global community with instant access to information. The internet created a global community with instant access to information. The information changes the Society.

Lost in the Forest

I am a retired Brand Strategist, Visual Designer, Computer Programmer, Copywriter and Fine Art Painter. I have always had a passion for painting and discussion about all things that our society selectively wants to forget or has been forgotten.

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